Behind the scenes at: 

Our Ateliers

Today we invite you to take a look behind the scenes at our ateliers in Turkey and discover what goes on in the factories we work with. More than half of our garments are manufactured in Turkey. The rest of our clothing is made in China. This season we traveled to Turkey for a unique look behind the scenes. Come and take a look! 


Visiting our suppliers 

Knits, jerseys, prints, socks... we produce many different types of products. And they are made in different factories. Because every factory has its own specialization. From print houses to sewing workshops, we take you behind the scenes at our factories in Turkey. How is a garment made? And who works on our collections?

In this video you see images of factories Antik Tekstil, Suteks, Orimpex, Isil printhouse and RKN Süzer. 


Number of employees: 70-80 
Location: Izmir, Turkey 
Produce: Organic jerseys 
Collaboration since: 2013

Orimpex is a Dutch-Turkish clothing manufacturer, with which King Louie has been working for 10 years. Their production facility is located in Izmir, in the center of the Aegean region, which is known for its long, soft and strong organic cotton fibers. 

Orimpex is a pioneer when it comes to the production of sustainable materials and ethical working conditions. Their supply chain is completely transparent, meaning we know where all raw materials come from. You can also view this via Retraced (a transparency tool that allows you to view the supply chain for each product on our website/via hang tag in the store). 

ISIL Printhouse

Number of employees: 1200-1250 
Location: Istanbul, Turkey 
Collaboration since: 2006

ISIL Tekstil - Printhouse is a crucial link in our production chain, responsible for the vast majority of our high-quality jerseys. Here fabrics are knitted, dyed and printed using advanced printing technologies. What really sets ISIL Printhouse apart is their commitment to sustainability. They maintain the highest standards of sustainability during all stages of the production process. This means that we can confidently guarantee that our prints are free of harmful substances and that water is used responsibly when dyeing and washing the fabrics.

 Curious how a King Louie print is made? In this short step-by-step video we would like to show you how our sustainable Morel print is created at ISIL Printhouse. 

RKN Süzer Tekstil

Partner of Suteks 
Number of employees: 65-75
Location: Istanbul, Turkey 
Collaboration since: 2019

RKN Süzer is a partner workshop of our largest supplier Suteks. No less than 50% of their total production is done for King Louie. 
Our recent visit to RKN Süzer was particularly informative. We discussed the results of their second Fair Wear audit, which identified notable improvements in working conditions. We are committed to continuing our work to reduce excessive overtime and are currently investigating whether the prices we pay support fair wages, an essential step towards a living income for employees. 

Want to know more?

Would you like to know more about our manufacturers and sustainability? You can read it on our sustainability pages. 



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