Interview with Myrthe Frederix

Styling tips from style coach and psychologist Myrthe

Myrthe Frederix is a style coach for women. As a style coach and psychologist, she brings your personality and physical appearance together in a unique way, with the mission to make you shine and to stand for who you are, without concessions. We asked her for styling tips that you can try at home.


November 2022 we organized our first VIP event in the King Louie Store in the Hartenstraat, Amsterdam. We asked stylist Myrthe Frederix to give a masterclass. Her colorful style, unique view on styling and focus on enterprising women and their values, talents and desires fits very well with King Louie and what the brand stands for: independence, freedom and individuality. Being yourself, no matter what.


Myrthe helps women discover themselves and develop a clothing style that suits them. Discover how she does that, and which tips you can already apply to your wardrobe.

About Myrthe

Myrthe is a style coach and psychologist in Amsterdam. During her styling course, she examines both the outside and inside of her clients and brings them together. She looks at values, desires and talents: when are you really yourself? In this way a personal style can be created that reflects who you really are. “When you dress for who you are, you feel joy and you radiate that too.”

Myrthe's mission is to help women to empower themselves. “That is good for you, your environment and the planet. Because you no longer make impulse purchases, choose from the inside and only make sustainable choices that feel good.”

We asked Myrthe for tips from her styling course that you can immediately try at home.

Myrthe’s styling tips

Make a mood board
“Check in with yourself: what makes me really happy and what do I long for? You can do this by making a mood board where you pin pictures and words that touch you. You can search for fashion pictures, but also see it more broadly: art, colors, slogans, inspiring women. Have you finished the vision board? Then look at it from a distance and decide for yourself: which values stand out to me? For example, do I want more courage, peace or creativity? Those values should be leading in both your behavior and your clothing choices!”

Compare those values to your current wardrobe
“Walk to your wardrobe and check whether you see those values reflected in your wardrobe. How do you feel when you open your closet? Does this align with what you desire and who you are with NOW? Which pieces give you energy, which pieces cost you energy? You can remove things that don't fit you because they are broken, or don't have the right size. Give pieces a second chance by repairing them, or set sentimental items aside in a storage box.

Things that don't fit (anymore) shout at you every day 'you're not good enough the way you are!'. They represent an old or future version of yourself. And you want to feel good RIGHT NOW!”  


Put your focus on garments that align with your values and how you want to feel right now.
“Often our focus is on what we want to get rid of, whether it's clothing, self-image or behavior. But this is actually what blocks us. You need to focus on the things you do want, instead of don’t want. Because the things you focus on, grow.

Put your focus on garments that align with your values and how you want to feel right now. In which pieces do you feel beautiful and powerful, the best version of yourself? Keep track of these items and put them in the front of your wardrobe. What do they have in common? What style and colors can you discover? Keep this up for a while, and expand it.

The same goes for the activities in your life: what makes you happy? When do you feel energized and forget about time? What do you want more of in your life? What were you thankful for last year? When were you in your power? What did you do then? Write this all down. What is the common thread? And do more of this!” 



Website: Bloom Stijlcoach
Instagram: Bloom Stijlcoach



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